Friends of TtB

With huge thanks to those who devote their time to spreading the word and supporting our efforts.

Hotel Association of Tanzania


Responsible Tourism Tanzania



Wild Zambezi  – promoting travel to the Zambezi Valley and Lake Kariba.


Environment Africa –  NGO and publishers of Greenline magazine,    promoting all things green, based in Zimbabwe



Andrew McNaughton – using debris of all kinds from the high tide mark at Watamu, Kenya to create his art and advertise the blight of rubbish in our oceans

Ujumbe Magazine – a lifestyle, environment and travel magazine for Tanzania

Travel News – an e-magazine about Kenya tourism with articles on new places, adventures and safari history.

Blues & Chutney – Arusha, Tanzania. A Bed and Breakfast in Arusha Town

  Chile to Kili – Elvis Lelo promotes conservation, sustainability and rasies money for sponsorship for Tanzanian students all the while bikling round the world. For his European stage, he has a Throttle the Bottle with him and will promote our cause as well


Blue Steel Water   Blue Steel Water are based in Zimbabwe and provide water filtration and purification units. Their work covers sub-saharan Africa. They are promoting Throttle the Bottle on their website and actively encourgaing people to stop using plastic bottles.

Carbon Tanzania – runs carbon offset programs within Tanzania that focus on reforestation, preservation of forests, water sources and communities as well as promoting community involvement and responsibility for the environment. They work in association domestic partners and the carbon offsets are certified by Plan Viva.



The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Most of you have heard of these ‘islands’ of rubbish floating in our oceans. They are made up mostly of plastics. Melted by the sun, beaten by waves, broken into tiny pieces, they are eaten by marine life, often with disastorous consequences, as well as leaching toxins into the ocean. These ‘islands’ are going nowhere and will be with us for centuries. They can only grow larger.